Monday, June 16, 2008

Linux: Some configuration

* Name your workstation : For setting the name virus, edit /etc/hostname and put virus only in a line.

* Mount NTFS in Ubantu :
mounting ntfs in ubantu :
sudo su-
cd /media/;
mkdir win;
vi /etc/fstab;
type (assuming sda1 is win partition) : /dev/sda1 /media/win ntfs ro,dmask=0222,fmask=0333 0 0
mount /dev/sda1;
ls win;

Done !!!

* Error (Ubantu): Checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
sudo apt-get install build-essential

* Setting host time in the shell prompt (virus 15:40:27 /etc $):
if [ "$PS1" != "" ]
PS1="\h \t \w \$ "
setenv () { export $1="$2"; }
unsetenv () { unset $*; }

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